K-12 Education Video Library


Rauland: Evolutionary Solutions for Today and Tomorrow


Rauland Telecenter U® Critical Communications

Keep your facilities informed, in communication, safe and focused on learning with Rauland school notification systems — a complete solution.

  • Smart Response - School Alert Systems for Emergencies: The effectiveness of your school's emergency response depends on a proactive approach. Telecenter U® school alert systems allow you to take action quickly and confidently in almost any crisis scenario.

  • Smart Schedules - School Notification Systems for Scheduling: Students, teachers, staff and parents all depend on schedules for a smooth school day. Telecenter U makes managing those schedules virtually effortless with school bell systems, intercoms, clocks and more — for every schedule at every school, from anywhere in your network.

  • Smart Days - School Intercom Systems for Communication: From a school clock to its central intercom, all communication and scheduling systems must work together to keep the school day right on track. With Telecenter U school notification systems, communication is simple and targeted all day, every day to a single location, a group of facilities or your entire district.

Critical Communications for Emergencies

Telecenter Innovations Delivered Locally

Telecenter U - Critical Communications Solution

The First Minute


The Importance of Active Monitoring


All By Myself: Addressing the Risk to Solo Workers