Attend Merrillville Breakfast Session: Lithium-ion Battery Systems

Communication Company will sponsor a breakfast session about Lithium-ion Battery Fires and Detection on June 6th, 9:00-10:30 am CST at the Dean and Barabara White Center in Merrillville. Participants can earn 1.5 CPD credits. Danish and coffee will start at 8:30 am CST.

Why is learning about lithium-ion battery systems important?

Our energy infrastructure is undergoing a radical transformation. An influx of excess energy from renewable sources is causing fluctuations in energy supply, putting grid stability at risk. Energy storage is a key component to balance supply and demand and absorb fluctuations. Today, lithium-ion battery storage systems are the most common and effective type, and installations are growing fast. Currently, there are no other global product performance standards for the detection of lithium-ion battery off gas.

Lithium-ion battery energy storage systems – a manageable fire risk

Lithium-ion storage facilities contain high-energy batteries combined with highly flammable electrolytes. In addition, they are prone to quick ignition and explosion in a worst-case scenario. Such fires can have a significant financial impact on organizations. Rapid detection of electrolyte gas particles and extinguishing are the key to a successful fire protection concept. Since December 2019, Siemens has been offering a VdS-certified fire protection concept for stationary lithium-ion battery storage systems.

Attend the June 6th event in Merrillville to learn more about the fire hazard that lithium-ion energy storage facilities present and the most effective detection and suppression solutions.

Contact Laura Michals if you are interested in attending.


Have You Tested Your Facility Fire Alarms Lately?