ComCo Life Safety and Security Resources
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Why Expertise Matters in Construction Bidding
Integrated safety and security systems are critical components of any construction project and need to be appropriately scoped and quoted to meet the specific needs of the facility and intended uses. However, general contractors and even subcontractors are not always up to date with the latest technology capabilities, possible integrations, safety regulations or product specifications, leading to errors and change orders that can be extremely costly and time consuming to correct.
Communication Company acquires Eagle Security Solutions
Communications Company of South Bend acquires Eagle Security Systems of Lowell, Indiana. Communications Company is an integrated communications technology, advanced life safety and security company specializing in healthcare, education, industrial, and commercial solutions.
Are You Aware of Your Facility’s Fire Safety Guidelines?
While having a fire detection system in place is commonplace in any facility, understanding the fire safety guidelines concerning testing and inspection can be challenging. Fire safety guidelines are frequently changing, so having someone familiar with the latest information is critical to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your workplace.